Non-stop dance music that will keep you awake while working on your boring code with a bed 15 feet away from you all day long. Pretty much zero commercials, and of course (it is 2009), they stream online.
If it weren't for Bajabucky and Ruhroh I would never be able to appreciate the beauty of the non-stop drumbeat all day long.
How's the dissertation coming? Well here's where I'm at:
Num_caught = (no_death - N_cm_tplus1) .* F_Z;
Aren't you glad you asked?
1 year ago
so glad we could help leave that lasting impression
so the number of fish you catch is equal to the number that die minus the number of fish whose length is equal to the time in days + 1, all multiplied by a factor which is a function of the depth of the body of water?
I have to step in here and tell you that I don't think coding and nonstop drumbeats all day long is healthy.
i don't think it's depth of body of water i think it's fishing mortality and natural mortality...or wait, fishing mortality and total mortality...
i see nothing wrong with nonstop high BPM, i can't defend the coding
I'm glad all your schooling has left a lasting impression.
hey, i'm pretty damned proud i retained that much! learning anything beyond dn/dt=rN(1-N/K) was harder than learning spanish!
No, I was actually impressed! It's not my fault I sound sarcastic even when I don't mean it... oh wait, maybe it is.
Eliska, e-mail me! I have to e-mail you something.
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